In 2007, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Ministry to the Armed Forces launched Operation Barnabas.
In 2007, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Ministry to the Armed Forces launched Operation Barnabas. Through this program — the only one of its kind in the U.S. — together with our congregations, we accomplish three key goals:
Care for Reserve chaplains and their families and congregations
Train and assist local congregations in the care, support, and outreach to all military-connected people in their congregations and their communities.
Serve as a resource to other organizations that provide care to military-connected people.
Our desire is to enable our congregations to lead their communities in welcoming these military families back home. They have borne the weight of repeated deployments, and we can prepare to receive them home in concert with local chambers of commerce, schools, and medical facilities.
Sign up for the Warning Order to get the latest on Operations Barnabas
The LCMS encourages congregations to reach out to military families in the following ways:
Pray for our troops.
Recognize veterans in your congregation at least once a year.
​Celebrate and remember our nation's military veterans, service personnel, chaplains and families.
The LCMS offers responsive prayers, sermon resources, and bulletin inserts to help congregations plan celebrations.
Your loved one is never far from your thoughts, and we want to let you know that you are not forgotten.
The LCMS wants to help. Contact us with your email address, city, and state. We will give you the name and phone number of an Operation Barnabas team in your area.
You can connect with them, and, if you choose, meet them — on your terms.